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Sergio Contreras, a husband, father, homeowner, and registered Democrat, has served on the Westminster City Council since 2012, where he successfully championed the largest upgrade to Westminster’s park system since 1996, encompassing 22 park facilities and representing a $10.4 million investment in the community. Contreras oversaw the city’s first general plan update in decades. He also placed emergency call boxes in all Westminster parks to enhance public safety, and fought to place outdoor exercise equipment in local parks to improve public health Contreras accomplished all of this at no cost to the city’s General Fund, showing how to do more with less.


Contreras previously served on the Westminster School Board from 2004 to 2012, including serving as president of the board in 2012. On the School Board, Contreras helped pass a $130 million school bond to modernize Westminster’s school facilities and make them safer. In that role, he established an all-day kindergarten system, making Westminster School District the first in Orange County to provide day-long kindergarten at all school sites. Contreras also increased access to music and arts programs districtwide, while expanding afterschool programs.


Contreras works as the Senior Director of Education and Healthy Schools for the Orange County United Way, where he helps oversee dispersal of funds to students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.


Born and raised in Orange County, Sergio attended Westminster High School and Orange Coast Community College before transferring to California State University Long Beach, where he received his BA and  MPA.


Sergio currently lives in Westminster with his wife Adriana and their daughter and son. 

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