The COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic fallout have devastated our communities and so many families across our county.
Now, more than ever, Orange County residents need a leader they can trust—someone with the experience, commonsense, and vision to lead Orange County through this unprecedented time.
As a former School Board Member during some of the darkest times in our state’s economic history, I was able to keep schools open and children learning. As a Council Member, I led my city through a budgetary crisis by working to find innovative solutions to problems and always striving to do more with less.

On the Orange County Board of Supervisors, I will fight every day to protect our communities and get working families back on their feet by:
Let’s face it: the current Board of Supervisors have clearly failed in their response to The COVID-19 crisis.
Their decision to baselessly criticize and politicize the recommendations of local public health experts and encourage residents to ignore warnings about failing to wear masks while in public was incredibly reckless and irresponsible. And we’re seeing the results.
"Orange County reports another daily coronavirus case high"
"4 counties are behind alarming spike in California COVID-19 hospitalizations"
"Orange County rescinds coronavirus mask mandate amid pushback, resignation"
In order for people to get back to work and get our economy moving, workers must be safe in the workplace and people need to feel safe going out. By ignoring public health and playing politics with people’s lives, the Board of Supervisors risked a second wave of infections that has undermined all of the efforts we made to restart our economy and get people back to work.
Our local leaders should be encouraging people to do their part to save lives, instead of threatening the health of our community by politicizing and demonizing Orange County public health experts.
On the Board, I’ll be a common-sense leader fighting for the health, safety and prosperity of Orange County residents as we navigate through this unprecedented public health crisis. I’ll support and assist our public health experts and frontline workers during this crisis, not play political games and gamble with the lives of the community.
The Board of Supervisors must act to increase access to critical health services for residents who are suffering.
Protecting the health of the public, and ensuring workers are safe in their workplace, is absolutely essential as we re-open the economy.
The Board of Supervisors must act now to overhaul and modernize our county’s emergency notification system, ensure all essential workers have access to face masks and other personal protective equipment, and create a plan to ensure the safety of Orange County workers.
In Westminster, I have led on these issues, working to pass out PPE to frontline workers, as well as hand sanitizer and gloves to our most vulnerable residents. And that’s exactly what I will do on the Board of Supervisors— fight to expand affordable access to necessary medical services and ensure that healthcare workers have the equipment they need.
In these uncertain times, we need aggressive action at the county level to help residents and small business owners recover. I will lead on this issue and ensure that small businesses have the tools they need not just to re-open, but to thrive.
Additionally, it is critical that worker protection is prioritized. This crisis has exposed the sad reality that not enough has been done at the county level to protect our frontline workers who risk their lives every day for us. We need to ensure that all our workers, from nurses to grocery clerks, are treated with dignity and respect because they are essential to our way of life.
To jump-start our economy, I will fight to provide critical resources to small businesses. I’ve done it before. On the Westminster City Council, I worked to reposition $1.1 million for a small business recovery loan program, and I will bring this same innovative, solutions-oriented approach to the Board of Supervisors.
Orange County families are struggling, and it is imperative that the County Board of Supervisors delivers better support to working people, small businesses, and our struggling communities.
It is critical that we expand affordable housing and enhance protections for renters and homeowners during this crisis.
While the Governor put a temporary moratorium on evictions, thousands of people throughout our communities will struggle to make their rent payments when the moratorium is lifted. In my city, I worked to implement a rental assistance program to help keep residents in their homes as we navigate this economic crisis. This is the type of leadership we need at the county level.
Homelessness also continues to be a crisis for our region and the economic consequences of COVID-19 are only amplifying the issue. That’s why I led the effort in my city to enact a housing program that works to find permanent housing for those in danger of, or already experiencing, homelessness, providing rental assistance and some support services.
I will bring this same dedication to the Board of Supervisors, working tirelessly to solve our region’s housing crisis, a problem that unfortunately existed before the pandemic, but was undoubtedly made worse by it.
While our educational systems have been through challenges before, these are uncharted waters. Getting our kids back in school is going to require innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.
As a former School Board Member that served during the 2007 recession, I know how challenging these times will be for administrators from a financial standpoint, let alone figuring out how to deal with the logistical challenges of ensuring a safe and healthy environment on every campus.
On the Board of Supervisors, I will be an active partner with our local school boards, utilizing my wealth of experience to address the countless challenges our school systems will inevitably face.
In this rapidly changing environment, I remain committed to helping stop the spread of COVID-19 while protecting families from those who see this crisis as an opportunity to prey on those who are most vulnerable.
We must enhance our public safety systems so that we defend Orange County residents from financial and violent crime.
Air pollution, wildfires, and a lack of open space to exercise and play can have serious health consequences for Orange County residents.
That is why on the Board of Supervisors, I will fight to strengthen our county's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by expanding access to clean energy, enhancing our regional public transportation system, and creating more open spaces for Orange County families.
Orange County has an unmatched natural beauty, and it’s time we prioritize and protect it.